Daddy sure is quick - got in and fucked his daughters like whores. But then again - he's responsible for their upbringing, so he's entitled to it. They even observe the line to get their pussy in. Sluts need society, too, and he can teach them to be their best. And I think - he's succeeded. I see they deftly worked his cock and even enjoyed it when he cummed in their open mouths.
It's just that in a company where colleagues work, there is a female action - "
So probably in the future computers will take payment from clients and assign whores to fuck. It's interesting that the computer brain allows you to strangle and rape the brunette, but not to piss in her mouth. I thought he was going to strangle her, but he didn't. Apparently a mature man realized that then there would be no one to suck and poking his dick in the meat - in decent society is mauvais ton.
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What the [bleep] are you guys talking about?